Bird and Nature Photography II
Hungry Hawk watching bird feeder
2. Hawk on Deck Railing
3. Hawk watching bird feeder like it's a buffet
4. Blue Jay in the evening sunlight
5. Blue Jay, Among Spring Dogwood Blooms
5. Goldenfinch, male, springtime
6. Red Headed Woodpecker, softer focus
7. Blue Jay on bird feeder pole looking left
8. Northern Cardinal, Male and Dark Junco chilling together on cold day
9. Black-Capped Chickadee, on bird feeder pole eyeing back
10. Red Shouldered Hawk, juvenile, sitting on bridge post
11. Hawk taking off to attack bird feeder below
12. White Breasted Nutchatch and Goldenfinch having a fight
13. Black-Capped Chickadee, close up and soft color background
14. Black-Capped Chickadee
15. Blue Jay in Morning light
16. Northern Cardinal, male, beautiful in red on cold day
17. Blue Jay, poofed on cold blustery day
18. Goldfinch at the sunflower feeder
19. Blue Jay in Apple Tree
20. Blue Jay in cold snowy tree
21. Finch, male, with fall color background
22. Red Bellied Woodpecker with belly color showing
23. Downy Woodpecker
24. Blue Jay in evening light of dogwood tree
25. Mourning Dove About to Fly, golden light
26. Black-Capped Chickadee, wings spreadÂ
27. Downy Woodpecker with fall color in background
28. Red Bellied Woodpecker
29. American Robin in Dogwood with Fall Color
30. Dark Eyed Junco with Fall Color in background
31. House Finch, male on bird feeder pole looking over shoulder
32. Swan in the Marsh during fall color
33. Blue Jay in Apple Tree on cold day, back colors displayed